Originating from the resin of the Copaiba tree found in South America, doTERRA Copaiba was introduced as a new oil in the fall of 2017. The spicy and woodsy aroma combines well in a blend to personalize your fragrance. It can promote clear and smooth skin, support whole-body wellness, and calm the occasional *anxious feeling.
My personal favorite way to use Copaiba is to blend it with Frankincense and rub or roll it on topically up and down my spine. I also take a couple drops in a veggie capsule with a mixture of other oils every evening.
There's tons of information about Copaiba and it's positive effects for chronic and/or neurological pain* too. My hubby (an amputee) uses it specifically to combat phantom pain - guess what wins? Copaiba!
This is a topic for a whole other blog post, so remind me and I'll do a blog about the difference between Copaiba and CBD oil, because there's a whole lot of conversation around the similarities with these two oils.
Learn more about the make-up, history and sourcing of doTERRA Copaiba on the Product Spotlight.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.