

Summer BBQ’s usually include lots of meat and sugar. A great way to keep your oral hygiene superb is to add Clove Essential Oil to your brushing routine. You can add one drop of Clove to your toothpaste, which will promote clean teeth and fresh breath.

Clove is more commonly recognized as a ground household spice.  It's a unique and powerful option that you can utilize even outside the kitchen. 
Clove oil brings a warming sensation to the skin and is sometimes used for massage therapy. Keep in mind, however, that Clove is known as a hot oil, and should always be diluted with Fractionated Coconut Oil. Or, if you want to enjoy the benefits of a calming, warm foot massage at home, you can also combine Clove essential oil with the doTERRA Hand and Body lotion.

For my amputee friends, Clove essential oil is a great one to keep on hand.  When Steve, my hubby the amputee, developed some nasty follicular sores when he was transitioning to a different size socket Clove oil was a lifesaver.  He would just apply it topically directly to the affected area.  Why Clove?  Well, aside for it's antiseptic properties, it took the burning sensation that those bad boys give off lickety-split!  We have some other tips on controlling those.  Check out my blog "Follicular Sores Burn - Life as an Amputee."
If you want to check out some more uses for Clove Essential Oil, check it out here.

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