Whelp! My son's summer break is officially over next Friday. What I hate about that is it means another year to fly by and wonder where the time has gone. I feel like having a kid makes time fly by faster than the days of pre-kiddo. I blame the school year for that. You plan for the summers, then for this day off, that holiday, the next day off, this party, that test and BAM! Summer is already here again! Time flies when you're having fun and goes even faster when you're watching your kid(s) grow.
I wanted to share how my 12 year old son, Talon, prepares for back to school with regards to our essential oil use. A little caveat is that we actually do pretty much the same thing all year long, with a few minor tweaks.
Mental Preparation - This could open a can of worms if I'm being honest, not for Talon necessarily, but generally speaking. As we prepare not just for back to school, but for our day-to-day life we never know the challenges that we may face. Our favorite go-to oil these days has been Brave. It is my personal favorite from the kids collection and one that he and I use regularly.
Immunity - On Guard, On Guard, On Guard! I can't say enough about this blend. The dōTERRA On Guard®+ Softgels have been instrumental in keeping Talon germ and sick-free for the past three years. Woo-hoo! He takes one softgel every evening when he's getting ready for bed. The whole line of On Guard products rock and we use them ALL, seriously, not even kidding! Another great one that's perfect especially for kids who aren't old enough or can't swallow the softgel is the Stronger blend from the kids collection.
Energy - This is not an oil, but rather a kids supplement. dōTERRA a2z Chewable™ is a proprietary formula of ingredients developed with children and adults who have difficulty swallowing capsules in mind. Designed for ages 4+ combining a blend of B vitamins with a blend of vitamins A, C, and E, as well as botanical extracts, doTERRA a2z Chewable supports healthy cell development and longevity when taken daily.*
Focus - Although this has not been a huge issue for my son, when it comes to tests and frustrating homework the oil blend he turns to is appropriately named Thinker.
Balance (aka simmering down those feelings of anxiousness or stress when dealing with emotions and new situations) - Every morning Talon uses the grounding blend from the kids collection, called Steady. This gets applied to his wrists and back of his neck to provide that sense of peace and calm - a grounding effect if you will, as he heads into his daily routine.
Sleep - Until the kids collection came out Talon used Serenity on the bottom of his big toes, but now he uses a awesome blend called Calmer. It's so wonderfully scented and has continued to support him with falling asleep quickly and getting a restful nights sleep.
Overall Health & Wellness - Talon has been using the kids supplements for the past 3 years. He's very consistent in taking them, nightly with dinner works best for our family, and they've been more than advantageous in warding off growing pains, keeping his gut health in check and overall keeping him healthy and strong. Here's what he uses: The supplements that were mentioned, a2z Chewable, for Energy and the key to his overall wellness. Paired with the PB Assist® Jr. This is a powdered probiotic supplement designed for children or adults who have trouble swallowing pills. It includes 5 billion live cells of a unique blend of six different probiotic strains, specifically selected for their benefits among children. These probiotics have been blended into a delicious powder that can be poured directly into the mouth for a fun and tasty way to integrate probiotics into anyone’s daily routine.*
The Kids Collection is amazing it addresses all of these issues (click the image to learn more), with the exception of the supplements for preventative and ongoing health and wellness. You can buy the kit as a whole or the oil blends are also sold individually.

If you're looking for more information, have questions or need support, please don't hesitate to reach out. I'm here to help!
This past Thursday, I had a Back to School Make & Take where you could come and make blends geared towards preparing our kids for a successful school year. If that's something you find helpful, you're welcome to join my next on on August 31st, you can check out those details on my Events Page. If you're not local to Colorado hit me up, I'm happy to help get you plugged into something local or help you with the recipes.xoDanette
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.