I honestly think we over complicate our lives and our thoughts. It’s natural for us to look at the negatives in a situation - to be victimized. I understand how it can feel daunting or even silly to frequently express your feelings of gratitude, but I promise the process gets easier and will feel more natural over time.
One thing to keep in mind is that it doesn’t have to be big things. We need to regularly celebrate the little things in life, like nestling under a cozy blanket, playing games with friends and family, laughing so hard you cry (or pee your pants, and if you’ve done this then you cried and laughed some more), or sipping your favorite beverage while observing the beautiful lights in the sky.
We all have people in our lives that we consider “Debbie Downers” (sorry to my Debbie’s out there – at least you’re not “a Karen,” hahaha!). And how do they make you feel when you’re around them? They tend to suck our energy, literally. They make us feel drained and then we start feeling down too. Likewise, I hope, you have people in your life that always seem to be positive. Like they blow you away with their outlook and you find yourself wishing you could be more like them. Guess what? You CAN…and should!
Negativity breads negativity and positivity breads positivity. The choice is yours.
Positive side-effects of Gratitude:
MAKES YOU HAPPY – keeps your brain focused on things that bring you joy, research shows at least 25% happier!
REDUCE STRESS – provide yourself a sense of stability and balance by reducing the negative effects of adrenaline, norepinephrine, and dopamine
IMPROVES SLEEP – give your brain a dose of positivity before bed and you’ll often times sleep more soundly
REWIRES BRAIN – reduce regret, negative feelings, frustration, anger and depression
IMPROVES RELATIONSHIPS – allows you to feel more comfortable and positive and plus people will want to be around you
HEALING – you’re more likely to take care of yourself (exercise, etc.) and most will have fewer aches and pains
SHIELDS YOU FROM NEGATIVITY – feel more optimistic
BOOST SELF-ESTEEM – increase positive productivity and feel good about where you’re at in your quest for achieving a goal or fulfilling a dream
Now that you’ve gotten a hankering for being more grateful and expressing your gratitude as much as possible you might be wondering how you go about it. The simplest way is to keep a gratitude journal by writing down at least 5 things you’re grateful for each day. The best advice I can give you is to physically write them down. Thinking about things you’re grateful for is nice but writing them down allows you to actually feel emotions. Plus, it’s always nice to read back through them when you are having a tuff time to remind yourself all the things you have to be grateful for.
I'm always a proponent for using my essential oils to help anchor in thoughts. Below are some yummy diffuser recipes that will help bring on the positive vibes and anchor in those feelings of gratitude. I've gone one step further to tell you some of the emotional properties of each oil and what feelings they should specifically help you manifest.

If you need help in any area, let's chat - I'm here for you! I offer complementary 30 minute wellness consultations, you can schedule that here.
I'm here to support and meet you where you're at on your wellness journey. I am grateful for you and appreciate you beyond words.