
Date Night Essentials

Essential oils are so versatile - from helping with our immunity and digestive system to mental and emotional support.  Let's not forget that they are 50 to 70 times more potent than herbs, so using them to enhance your cooking is yet another yummy use.  Bottom line is that essential oils are a powerhouse for our health and wellness and can be used in every room in your home!  

But, let's step away from the seriousness a bit and let me show you a few ways to have a little fun with your oils.  After all it was Valentine's Day yesterday.

You can use the aroma of different essential oils to arouse the senses and create a romantic environment.  Some of the more popular aphrodisiac scents are Bergamot, Black Pepper, Cinnamon, Ginger, Grapefruit, and Ylang Ylang.  If you want to read a study on The Power of Aroma check it out, but don't forget to come back to snag your recipes.

Were talking about a date night, right?  So to help with bad breath, use that parsley that was on your plate as a garnish (give it a little nibble), or use doTERRA's Peppermint.  One drop in your mouth will make his breath smell fresh just by looking at you.  Tee-hee!  My point is that it's super strong, so if you don't want that much punch, doTERRA sells Peppermint Beadlets.  These are amazingly strong teeny-tiny beads filled with just a 1/4 drop of Peppermint essential oil.  When one drop of doTERRA's Peppermint is equivalent to 28 cups of Peppermint tea, believe me when I say that 1/4 drop is still plenty strong.  

The following essential oil recipes are for spOILing your love life.  I'm displaying the images, but at the bottom is a free download you can print.  

Here's the Date Night Essentials download of the above recipes.  

Go ahead, spOIL yourself and your love!


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