
(Un)Well Docuseries - Review

Whether you follow me regularly or just stumbled across this post, I want you to know that I believe in an integrative and proactive approach to our health.  There's not a blanket solution to any problem for every person on the planet, so being patient and working with someone you trust to find a solution for your needs is key.  Be it traditional health care and meds or some "funky" alternative - it's about being informed and making a choice that's personal and right for you.

As a whole I liked the docuseries. I enjoyed learning about different areas of non-traditional approaches to all sorts of areas of our health and well-being, some of which I had never heard of before. I'm an open-minded kind of gal, so I didn't get sucked into either side of the spectrum (positives/negatives), I simply enjoyed the shows for their insight into different modalities and practices.

I find it a little funny that the makers talk about the financials of the holistic health care industry, "This docuseries takes a deep dive into the lucrative wellness industry, which touts health and healing. But do the products live up to the promises?"  It just makes me chuckle, especially when there's a whole world of big pharma, over-prescribing doctors, overpriced medications and treatments, etc. It really boils down to what works for you, what you believe in, and what you trust, right?  

The docuseries has 6 episodes:

Essential Oils
Tantric Sex
Bulking Up with Breast Milk
Bee Sting Therapy

Of course, given that I'm in the holistic health industry and partner with doTERRA Essential Oils to provide the natural solution products that I recommend, the first episode in the series: Essential Oils, was of particular interest to me and the one I'll be diving deeper into for my review. I did, however, watch all the other episodes in the series. I got through about 20 minutes of the breast milk episode, but just couldn't get into it and it was kinda gross - I'm being honest this is my review after all.

I actually appreciated the fact that essential oils are being talked about on a mainstream platform.  I think now more than ever, people are open to and even seeking natural solutions, so it made me happy to see essential oils being talked about in a Netflix docuseries.  The way the episode was put together was pretty choppy.  They show essential oils being offered in a hospital setting, drift to a mom with a special needs child who seeks support from a registered clinical aromatherapist, they show a doctor (licensed chiropractor) who is a very successful online entrepreneur, but portray him in a gimmicky and almost creepy fashion.  They proceed with a PH.D researcher and author who said something that I thought was key, "Proper aromatherapy isn't claiming to cure anybody."  Agreed.  A proper pharmaceutical drug shouldn't either!  What works for one doesn't always work for another and thus you get the laundry list of side-effects they have to disclaim.  

But I digress, up next was a doTERRA Wellness Advocate, who runs a successful direct sales business.  The problem with her segment in the episode is the way they patched her story together to fit their agenda, but the biggest issues was she went against company policy and shared her personal story in a way that she did make claims.  A real bummer for the doTERRA community and something that she's under investigation for, as she will have reproductions for her actions.   

And then it just gets weird!  They show scenes from a Young Living convention and the audio makes it seem like a cult of crazy housewives.     

The makers certainly had their own agenda with calling out network marketing companies like doTERRA and Young Living.  I can't speak for Young Living, but I know that doTERRA was very strategic with picking the network marketing model for their business.  Other essential oil companies that sell from brick and mortar stores pay a lot of money for advertising and there's no education given when you buy that bottle of oil from the store.  doTERRA understands that the essential oil world can be abstruse and downright overwhelming, so it was imperative for them to be able to provide support and education with the products they sell - hence the direct sells model.  

This episode on essential oils also pointed out a class action lawsuit against Young Living and through strategic editing lumped doTERRA into a "cult-like" community that "preys on housewives."  Again I can only speak for doTERRA, but as someone who has made a choice to sell their products, I'm NOT under any time-bound contract, nor do I have to spend an exorbitant amount of money.  I'm a customer first.  I buy products from doTERRA as a company with natural solutions that I trust and work for my family.  Because my family has had such great success, I did chose to partner with doTERRA, to share, and to sell their products.  No one is forcing me to spend a ton of money and like any traditional business you will only get out of it what you put in.  The money I spend with doTERRA each month, is my choice and is for my families personal use.

*Side note: I did my research and due diligence on doTERRA before decided to link arms with them and sell their products.  I was a customer for about a year before making the choice to become a Wellness Advocate - opportunity to sell.  I run a successful holistic health and wellness business full-time by providing outstanding customer service.  My wellness community provides TONS of ongoing support and education, as it's not my intent to just sell a bottle of oil for this or that, but to provide my customers with the empowerment and confidence in living a natural solution lifestyle.

This is NOT a get rich quick scheme either.  When you work for a traditional business their is a hierarchy [a pyramid] - the owner(s) at the top > upper and middle management > and the worker bees.  When management does a good job getting good production out of the working bees they often get a bonus and typically make significantly more than the bees too.  The owners make the most, because they are taking on the risk. Network marketing is the same as far as the "pyramid" like structure, but unlike traditional businesses I can make MORE than the person who "got me into" this business.  I am my own boss with no ceiling and no one holding me back.  I love the community feel within the doTERRA direct sells structure.  Not that everyone's experience is always rainbows and butterflies, which sucks, but as a collective whole, the vast majority of doTERRA Wellness Advocates offer support to one another - to help up-level business, teaching, skills, mindset - you name it. 

Following the class actions law suite they transition to a lady, who wouldn't disclose which essential oil company she purchased from, saying she was "brainwashed and drank the Kool-Aid" and went on to share her horrific story about how she was using the essential oils all the ways - aromatically, topically and internally and had a severe skin rash all over her body that took years to clear up.  She takes ownership of her actions, but blames the multi-level marketing company for the lack of education they provide to their Wellness Advocates.

They conclude the episode by going back to the mom with the special needs child, who basically says they are better off with the essential oils, but that you need to be informed and not just pick up and using something off a shelf at a store.

My biggest suggestion and/or opinion about buying from a network marketing company; much like you would do research for a financial advisor or a massage therapist, you should do your research on the person you are buying from.  In the case of essential oils, the Wellness Advocate, aromatherapist, or doctor. Make sure you're buying your essential oils from a someone, a Wellness Advocate, that takes it seriously and operates like a business. This isn't about just buying an essential oil from a friend or cousin, it's about trust, it's about their ongoing education and support - can the person you're buying your oils from give you that?

I appreciate you taking the time to read my views on the Netflix docuseries (Un)Well. If you're open to natural solutions, I encourage you to watch them with an open mind and before you make any decisions about what to do...DO YOUR RESEARCH!


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