I hear it all the time, "Using natural solutions is overwhelming."
I agree in one regard, there are a TON of essential oils, supplements and companies claiming to be chemical and/or toxin-free. However, when you find a company that you trust with products that work and you enjoy, plus you find a person that can guide you through using those products with protocols, recipes, tips and suggestions, that's when your life will truly change.
So, hi! My name is Danette and I'm a holistic health & lifestyle advocate. I primarily use doTERRA Essential Oils as my base for recommendations for all your natural solution needs. I'm not anti-doctor, but I AM pro HEALTHcare. I believe when you focus on your whole lifestyle, health is achieved naturally. Plus it's fun and easy too!
I'd like to take you on a short journey on what it's like to live a wellness lifestyle so you can see how wellness can be made simple through 5 main components. The 6th component to living a wellness lifestyle, proactive medical care, becomes a given as you'll be caring for your body before it breaks down when you follow the 5 main components.

The first component is EATING RIGHT. This is our foundation for living a wellness lifestyle. You've heard the phrase you are what you eat. This doesn't mean you're oozing grease or have green skin like your veggies, it simply means our bodies react both positively and/or negatively to the things we eat. Sadly, even with the cleanest diet, we're unable to provide our bodies all the vitamins, minerals and nutrients it needs and thus supplementation is super helpful and important.
My all-time favorite are doTERRA Lifelong Vitality® Supplements. I believe in them so much I talk about them ALL THE TIME throughout many blog posts, and even dedicated one entire post to them,
Why Supplement? And I won't stop, you'll constantly here me refer to them because they legit changed my life, no exaggeration. doTERRA also believes in them wholeheartedly - they come with a 30-day money-back guarantee. These are designed to bring out bodies into homeostasis so we'll function the way we're supposed to, so while the list is almost endless with how this supplement trio can benefit your body, for the sake of time I'll just give you the
four primary benefits: 1) less inflammation 2) hormone/mood balance 3) immunity booster and 4) more energy.
Other than fueling our bodies with veggies and protein I can't express to you just how important it is to drink enough water. I know you've heard it time and time again, and if you're trying to tune me out right now it's because you know you're probably not drinking as much water as you should. Tee-hee! You should be drinking about half your body weight in ounces each day, plain and simple.
Just one of the cool things about using doTERRA Essential Oils is that many of them are recommended for internal consumption. doTERRA is the world leader in the production of ethically sourced essential oils with transparent third-party testing to prove their purity and efficacy. Meaning they are safe from bottle to bottle and from drop to drop the oils do what they're intended to do. Essential oils are versatile, and if you think adding some flavoring to your water might help you drink more, then check out my water tips below to see how you can not only add flavor, but also provide some side benefits.
The Environmental Working Group (EWG) produces an annual shoppers guide ranking pesticide contamination on the most popular fruits and veggies - Pesticides in Produce™ or better known as the Dirty Dozen and Clean 15. Whether you buy organic or not you should still be mindful and wash your produce.
In a bowl or sink full of cold water, add 1/2 cup white vinegar, plus 4-6 drops of doTERRA On Guard® or Lemon essential oil, add your produce and allow it to soak for 5-10 minutes. Lay on a towel to dry and store as usual. In addition to washing away seen and unseen ick, you'll probably notice a little longer shelf-life with your produce too.
In an effort to give you bite-sized pieces and keep the info overload to a minimum I'm going to chunk down my blogs on wellness made simple into a five part series. This, EATING RIGHT, being the first in the series. Be sure to check out next week as we dive into EXERCISE.
See ya then!