
Natural Remedies for 5 Common Ailments

Natural remedies (aka natural solutions) have been used for centuries to treat common ailments such as colds, headaches, stomach aches, stress, sleep issues and so much more. In fact, my hubby and I just started watching Outlander on Netflix and it’s cool to see how in the 1700’s they used plants and herbs as medicine. 

Natural remedies are often more gentle on the body, mainly because our bodies recognize and understand how to process the substance. Because our bodies recognize the natural solution, they also come with fewer to no side effects. In addition, natural remedies are frequently more affordable than traditional medications. This makes natural remedies a powerful addition to your overall health plan and can help you achieve a healthier and happier life.

COLD/FLU: One of the most common natural remedies is herbal tea. Herbal teas, such as chamomile and ginger, especially with honey, help you relax and can help reduce congestion, sore throats, and inflammation. They also contain antioxidants, which help to boost your immune system. 

Vitamin C, zinc, garlic, and elderberry are known supplements to help boost immunity. 

There are many essential oils that can be used to naturally support a body suffering with cold symptoms, but my favorite thing about using essential oils in my daily routine is that they’re used as a proactive measure to help you from getting sick in the first place. My all time favorite essential oil blend for supporting my immune system is doTERRA On Guard®. It’s a protective blend with 5 key essential oils: Wild Orange, Clove, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus and Rosemary.

HEAD TENSION: There are many other options for a head tension without clogging up your system with synthetic over-the-counter pain relievers. Depending on your physical location and schedule there are a several natural remedies you can try like relaxing techniques: breathing exercises, meditation, or yoga. Separate yourself from the situation by taking a break, going for a walk, or taking a short nap. Try massaging your scalp, temples or hands.  

In an effort to avoid a head tension to begin with ensure that you’re drinking plenty of water, avoid known triggers such as stress, loud noises, caffeine, alcohol, or even not eating at regular intervals.

Just like with over-the-counter medications, you may have to try out a few different essential oils to find that one that can help support your head tension the most. I’ve also found that it depends on what kind of head tension I have (tension/stress, migraine, cluster, sinus, hormone). One of the best places to start is Peppermint essential oil. Put a drop or two [max] in your palm and rub your hands together, take 3 deep inhalations and then gently rub your temples, forehead and back of neck. Another popular essential oil is Frankincense – put one drop on your thumb and press your thumb to the roof of your mouth for about 60 seconds.

DIGESTIVE ISSUES: One of the scenes in the Outlander was a gentleman with an upset stomach. He came in to see the “healer” and she gave him a concoction with peppermint. Other natural remedies would be to eat smaller, more frequent meals, and taking supplements like digestive enzymes and probiotics, that can help aid in digestion and restore healthy gut bacteria. Aside from peppermint, other herbs and natural solutions that are known for their digestive soothing abilities are: ginger, chamomile, licorice root, apple cider vinegar, and Turmeric.

Back in late 2020, I wrote a blog piece on Digestive Support, sharing about the essential supplements that are great at supporting your body when it comes to the digestive system. As for specific essential oils, much like the herbs listed above it’s: Ginger, Peppermint, and Fennel. Lucky for us, doTERRA has created a digestive blend with 7 key ingredients that address many different digestive issues all at once, it’s called DigestZen. And whether you use it topically or internally, I think you’ll be more than impressed by it.  

STRESS: This is a topic that has come up numerous times since I started on my natural solutions journey, and I’ve written about it many times before. Check out the Mind/Mood/Stress category on my site to dive deeper into the subject of stress. Similar to coping with a headache, you can try breathing techniques, relaxation exercise, or try practicing yoga, meditation, or the like. Additionally exercising, listening to music, and taking a hot bath can help calm the mind and boost endorphins.

This ancient Japanese healing technique can help not only with rapid stress relief, but give it a try for your head tension issues too.

I went to a wellness retreat last year and learned about this bumble bee breathing technique. I have used it time and time again for just about everything. It's a great way to interupt your thoughts and start refreshed when you open your eyes again. Keep in mind it sounds a lot louder to you than it will to anyone around you. 😉 

There are a plethora of essential oils whose properties can help reduce stress with a quickness. My all-time favorite though has to be Adaptiv™ Calming Blend.

SLEEP ISSUES: Sadly, many of us have or will suffer from some form of sleep issue in our lifetime. One of the easiest places to start is to avoid caffeine and alcohol close to bedtime. Establishing a relaxing bedtime routine that avoids screens and is done right around the same time each night can certainly help tip the z’s in your direction. Things we do in our waking hours can also impact our quality of sleep – our nutrition to start with, exercising regularly can improve the quality and duration of your sleep and what time you go to bed can make or break your good night’s rest too.
While the most popular essential oil, by way of “fame,” that can help calm the mind and help with sleep is Lavender, I’ll bet you can guess that I have other solutions to share with you too. Roman Chamomile, Bergamot, Cedarwood, Frankincense, and Vetiver are just a few other wise choices to try. Just like with anything else you’ll have to play around a little to find what essential oils work for you. As for readymade blends, hands down my favorite is doTERRA Serenity® Restful blend. One drop of this on the bottom of your big toe does an amazing job of shutting the wheels of in your head.

As you can see natural remedies can be an effective way to treat common ailments and empower you to be able to handle those common ailments with confidence at home. It will reduce the need for prescription medications and over-the-counter junk along with their potentially harmful side effects. It promotes self-care and self-sufficiency, allowing you to take charge of your health and feel empowered to make decisions that are right for you and your family. *You should always follow your gut instinct though, and if the situation is beyond a home remedy, please seek medical attention.

Please don't hesitate to reach out to me directly for customized support in getting you started on your natural solutions journey or feel free to browse around and pick out your own starting point.

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