
10 Steps to Boost Your Wellness Score

A wellness score is a numerical measurement or rating that assesses an individual's overall well-being or state of wellness. It is often used as a tool to evaluate and track various aspects of a person's health, lifestyle, and emotional well-being.

Healthcare professionals may use your wellness score to help identify potential risk factors, setting health goals, and designing personalized treatment plans. Employers might use them to aid in providing you with the resources and support you need, plus it could help them focus on implementing wellness initiatives that promote a healthier and more productive workforce.

You, the individual, can use a wellness score as a tool to assess and monitor your own well-being. It helps you gauge your overall health and lifestyle habits, providing insights into areas that may require improvement. A wellness score can serve as a motivator and guide to make positive changes and track progress over time.

The specific components and calculation methods of a wellness score can vary depending on the context and purpose. However, a wellness score generally takes into account multiple factors, such as physical health, mental health, emotional well-being, lifestyle habits, and social connections. These factors may include elements like body mass index (BMI), blood pressure, cholesterol levels, stress levels, sleep quality, exercise habits, nutrition, and social support.


PRIORITIZE SLEEP: Make sure you are getting enough sleep each night. Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep to allow your body and mind to recharge.

My favorite essential oil blend for supporting quality sleep is doTERRA Serenity®. It shuts the wheels off in my head so I can go to sleep quickly and allows me to decompress from that days activities so I get a quality night sleep.

MAINTAIN A HEALTHY DIET: Eat a variety of nutritious foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Avoid processed foods, excessive sugar, and unhealthy fats.

My favorite essential oil blend for supporting me with food cravings and maintaining a healthy diet is doTERRA MetaPWR™. It supports metabolism, decreases appetite, reduces sugar cravings, all while enhancing exercise performance. 

STAY HYDRATED: Drink an adequate amount of water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated. Water helps maintain bodily functions and supports overall well-being. A great place to start is to set a goal of drinking half your body weight (lbs) in ounces. For example, if you weigh 120lbs you’ll want to drink at least 60oz of water every day.

My favorite essential oil to help me drink more water is doTERRA Lemon or any citrus for that matter. Lemon not only makes my water tasty, it also provides a gentle detox. 

EXERCISE REGULARLY: Engage in physical activity that you enjoy, such as walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, your choices are nearly limitless. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week.

My favorite use of essential oils for exercise is the doTERRA Deep Blue® Stick. It’s an easy-to-use product that creates a deep, cooling sensation. The quick-drying formula is soothing, convenient, and effective for use before, during, and after workouts, delivering temporary relief to minor aches and muscle and joint pains. Anything from a simple backache to arthritis, sprains, strains, and bruises.

MANAGE STRESS: Find effective ways to manage stress, such as practicing mindfulness, deep breathing exercises, yoga, meditation, or engaging in hobbies and activities you enjoy.

My favorite essential oil blend to support me in managing stress is doTERRA Adaptiv®. This calming blend is perfect for all of life’s most stressful moments, including big meetings, important events, and even unknown or unfamiliar situations.

PRIORITIZE MENTAL HEALTH: Take care of your mental well-being by seeking support when needed, engaging in activities that promote relaxation and happiness, and practicing self-care.

My favorite essential oil product for supporting my mental health is a toss up between doTERRA Adaptiv® Calming Blend Capsules and doTERRA MetaPWR Advantage with Collagen + NMN. They both support my mood and help me with my memory, focus and stress levels.

MAINTAIN SOCIAL CONNECTIONS: Cultivate and nurture positive relationships with friends, family, and your community. Spend quality time with loved ones and engage in activities that foster social connections.

My favorite essential oil blend to help with maintain healthy social connections is whatever I choose to wear as my natural pure-fume that day. It sounds a little silly to say, but aromatic experiences evoke memories and I can’t tell you how many compliments I get on my natural aroma. Some of my go-tos: doTERRA Whisper®, doTERRA Citrus Bloom®, and doTERRA Beautiful.
PRACTICE GOOD HYGIENE: Maintain good personal hygiene habits, including regular handwashing, brushing your teeth, and taking care of your physical appearance. These habits contribute to overall well-being.

My favorite essential oil blend that helps me support my personal hygiene routine is doTERRA OnGuard®. They have everything from foaming handwash, hand sanitizers, toothpaste, laundry detergent, cleaner concentrate, a supplement and more. 
PROACTIVE HEALTHCARE: 80% of your family’s wellness can be addressed from the comforts of your home through informed self-care. However, for the additional 20% you should seek care through a trusted partner. This can be a traditional western medical professional, therapist, chiropractor, reiki practitioner, acupuncturist, masseuse, hypnotherapy or functional medicine doc to name a few.

My favorite way to use essential oils for proactive healthcare can be found is an old blog post I wrote that was part of a series on the wellness pyramid, titled Wellness Made Simple pt.5

FIND BALANCE: Strive for a balanced lifestyle that includes work-life balance, time for relaxation, hobbies, and activities that bring you joy. Avoid excessive stress and give yourself time to recharge.

My favorite essential oil blend to help support me in finding balance is doTERRA Balance®. I apply this grounding blend to the bottom of my big toe and bottoms of feet every morning. It provides me with a calm and tranquil atmosphere, and helps me feel connected, in control, as well as giving me inner strength as I begin my day. 

I know you’re not a stranger to these 10 steps to boost your wellness score. That’s mainly because self-care and these 10 steps to boost your wellness score are interconnected. Together they promote self-awareness, a preventive approach to health, accountability, progress tracking, and holistic well-being. Plus, incorporating self-care practices can positively impact your wellness score, while a wellness score can guide you in identifying areas where self-care can be enhanced. Together, they support your journey toward optimal well-being.

Remember, like your self-care routine, everyone's wellness journey is unique, so tailor these steps to fit your individual needs and preferences. Gradual and consistent progress will lead to long-term improvements in your wellness score. Never hesitate to ask me if you need guidance in building a customized self-care routine, need tips on making new habits stick, or need support in incorporating essential oils and other natural solutions into your lifestyle and routine.


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