The next full moon is tomorrow, March 24, 2024 - good vibes and high energy are in the air! The full moon has captivated humanity's imagination for millennia, inspiring stories, rituals, and spiritual practices across cultures. From ancient civilizations to modern-day spiritual seekers, the full moon holds a special place in our collective consciousness. Beyond its mesmerizing beauty, many believe that the full moon emanates a unique energy that influences human emotions and behaviors which can be harnessed for personal growth, healing, and self-care.

While some may dismiss this notion as mere superstition, there's a growing body of evidence suggesting that the full moon does have measurable effects on our planet—and on ourselves.
The gravitational pull of the moon affects Earth's oceans, leading to the phenomenon of tides. This gravitational force also extends to our bodies, which are composed mostly of water. While the moon's gravitational influence on individual human behavior remains debated, some studies have found correlations between lunar phases and changes in sleep patterns, mood, and even rates of hospital admissions.
One study published by Harvard Health in May of 2021 stated that individuals took from 30-80 minutes longer to fall asleep during the days leading up to a full moon. Additionally, people lost between 20-90 minutes of sleep during those nights. Another study, published in the Journal of Affective Disorders, reported an increase in psychiatric admissions during the full moon.
These findings suggest that while the effects of the full moon may be subtle and vary from person to person, there's scientific merit to the idea that lunar phases can influence human physiology and behavior.

Throughout history, various cultures have revered the full moon for its mystical significance. In ancient times, people observed the correlation between lunar phases and natural cycles, such as the planting and harvesting of crops. The full moon was often associated with abundance, fertility, and illumination.
In spiritual traditions, the full moon symbolizes the peak of energy, a time when the veil between the spiritual and material worlds is believed to be thin. Many spiritual practices incorporate rituals and ceremonies during this time to tap into the heightened energy and align with the lunar cycle.
The moon is even mentioned several times throughout the Bible, often symbolically and metaphorically, reflecting its significance in both spiritual and cultural contexts. In Genesis 1:14-19, it says, "And God said, 'Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years...”

While the scientific evidence supporting the notion of full moon energy remains inconclusive, many people find value in harnessing this celestial phenomenon as a tool for self-care and personal growth. Here are some tips for creating a self-care routine centered around the full moon:
Moon Gazing: Simply spending time outdoors under the light of the full moon can be a powerful practice. Find a comfortable spot where you can see the moon clearly, and allow yourself to absorb its radiant energy. Some people practice moon gazing as a form of meditation, focusing their attention on the moon and letting go of thoughts and distractions. Visualize your intentions taking shape and feel yourself aligning with the natural rhythms of the universe.
Set Intentions: Begin by setting intentions for the upcoming lunar cycle. Reflect on what you want to manifest or release in your life, whether it's a new goal, a habit you wish to cultivate, or emotional baggage you're ready to let go of.
Ritual: Create a ritual that resonates with your beliefs and intentions. This could involve prayer, using aroma to evoke a specific emotion, writing down your intentions or even tapping into the power that lies in expressing gratitude. Some people find that writing down things you want to let go of and then burning them helps to bring their thoughts into fruition.
Connection: Gathering with others to collectively share and experience the energy can take things up a notch. Whether you do so through a dance party or fuel up with a feast with friends, aligning with the cyclical energy of the lunar cycle can be a magical time of connection.
Practice Self-Care: Use the full moon as an opportunity to prioritize self-care and nourishment. Take a relaxing bath with essential oils, practice gentle yoga or stretching, or simply spend time in nature, allowing yourself to unwind and recharge.
Reflect & Journal: Take some time to reflect on your experiences and insights during the full moon phase. Journaling can be a powerful tool for processing emotions, gaining clarity, and tracking your personal growth journey and mood over time.
While the existence of full moon energy may remain a subject of debate, there's no denying the profound impact that lunar phases have had on human culture and spirituality throughout history. By harnessing the energy of the full moon through intentional practices, you can cultivate a deeper connection with yourself, the natural world, and the mysteries of the planet, ultimately enhancing our overall well-being and sense of purpose.
