
My goal is to help demystify what self-care is and help you cultivate the life you desire. I believe self-care is personal, to that end, I will guide you in building a self-care routine though personalized, small daily actions to help you take your health and well-being to the next level.

It took me becoming a caregiver, after my husband had an amputation of his lower right leg, and getting lost and caught up in all the additional “work” of being a wife and mother to finally realize just how important self-care is for one's physical, mental and emotional health.

Once this realization hit me and I started focusing on myself, it became evident to me that I wasn’t being selfish in my quest to become my best, it actually allowed me to become the best wife, mom, and caregiver too. 

And now I also understand that so many of us don’t even fully comprehend what a daily self-care routine looks like. And that's how I can help you, too!

I teach from the six self-care pillars: Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual, Practical, and Social. The cool thing is you’re the one that gets to pick and choose which activities and which pillars you like. Remember I said self-care is personal? Well, I meant it. I will help guide you into building a daily self-care practice that ignites you.

A great place to start is with The Self-Care Method™  my journal that will help you take small daily actions towards building that self-care routine. I'm also working on a self-care mobile app, allowing you to have self-care solutions at your fingertips. But, while you wait for that tool to launch, please check out The Self-Care Method™ to support you.

If you’re interested in upleveling your health and wellness I have a free guide that will walk you through the six self-care pillars and help you evaluate what parts of your life are causing a little drain as well as gives you some broad suggestions on how you can improve your score in each pillar. 

Coming Soon!

I'm so excited to share that my new self-care mobile app is in development.


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