
The blog is a good spot to get tips, tricks and tools to help you live a natural solutions lifestyle. I’ve got educational posts to help you learn more about doTERRA essential oils - how to use them, what they’re good for, DIY projects and lots of recipes too. Plus, the blog is where I share my personal life experiences, life-hacks, and TONS of tips on self-care, mental health and more.

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DIY Cleaning Recipes - Bathroom

Although our bathrooms tend to be the smallest rooms in our home they have the most surface area to clean to ward off germs, bacteria, and mold to name a few. 52% of Americans say ...

DIY Cleaning Recipes - Laundry Room

I have some statistics from Textile Industry Affairs about our laundry room that you might find fun and interesting: the average household washes over 7 loads of laundry per week, ...

DIY Cleaning Recipes - Kitchen

Over 66% of Americans claim to clean their kitchen, or at least parts of it, a couple times per week. That’s a good thing since there are tons of germs that like to call kitchen th...

Aromatherapy Benefits

Let’s chat for a second about the history of aromatherapy.  Essential oil usage dates back to Babylonian times. They were used in ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, China and India for r...

10 Day Water Challenge

I think most of us know and understand that water is good for us and that we’re supposed to drink a lot of water every day. You’ve probably even heard that the human body is mostly...

5 Minute Healthy Habits

Building everyday healthy habits in 5 minutes or less doesn't have to be a challenge. I'm going to focus on three essential oils that individually and combined can help you build 5...

Keeping It Simple In The Kitchen

I enjoy cooking, but the hardest part about making dinner or any other meal for that matter is deciding what to make. I think we get stuck in a routine of making the same things ov...

Guide to New Year Healthy Habits

First things first...HAPPY NEW YEAR! I've said all along, I don't want 2020 to end if the drama is going to continue in 2021. I realize that we have no control over the worldly dra...

Homemade Cookies with Essential Oils

'Tis the season for pies, cookies, hot chocolate, candy canes, fudge, and so many other delicious treats I can't even begin to name them all. Every year, usually right before Thank...

Thanksgiving Meal Recipes

I'm honestly not under the dissolution that you haven't already picked out all your Thanksgiving meal recipes. I mean I know I have my go-to's. And I get why you wouldn't want to m...

Festive-n-Fun Fall DIYs

I'm a giver, so I seriously love this time of year!  I do like structure and have been know to be a perfectionist, so things have, in the past, gotten a little unruly for me at tim...

Halloween Recipes

Hundreds of years ago, the tradition that we now know as Halloween looked MUCH different.  People would dress up as saints and visit neighbors and perform "ceremonies" around bonfi...

Digestive Support

In order to best support and aid in healthy digestion I think we should start with the basics.  What is the digestive system?  The digestive system is how the body captures and abs...

Back to School: Powered by Essential Oils

Going back to school can be stressful for parents, teachers and kids in a normal setting, but now we are contending with a bunch of unknowns with this global pandemic!  Ish!  My so...

Essential Oils for Healthy Hair

Your hair plays a crucial role in your appearance, and so it's important to take good care of it. Thankfully there are several essential oils that can help us with our precious loc...

Outdoor Survival Guide

A lot of times when I think of the “great outdoors” I think about camping, hiking and the mountains.  Perhaps it’s because I live in Colorado and see that gorgeous landscape all th...

Gardening with Essential Oils

Do you like to plant flowers, fruits and veggies or maybe all of them?  It's fun to have a sense of accomplishment when you pick the fruits of your labor to enjoy.  Many, if not mo...

Summer DIYs & Recipes

I'm super excited that summer has officially landed.  This isn't going to be a traditional summer for my family.  We're not taking our usual summer vacation(s), but I've already be...

Yoga & Essential Oils

Let's start off by talking about yoga.  What is yoga?  Yoga translates to "union" and in basic and modern times it is a discipline of physical, mental and even spiritual practices ...

Essential Oil HACKS!

Properties like cleansing, purifying and invigorating put Lemon essential oil in a category of being one of the most versatile oils.  At $11 (US) a bottle, it's also one of the mos...

Coming Soon!

I'm so excited to share that my new self-care
mobile app is in development.


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