
The blog is a good spot to get tips, tricks and tools to help you live a natural solutions lifestyle. I’ve got educational posts to help you learn more about doTERRA essential oils - how to use them, what they’re good for, DIY projects and lots of recipes too. Plus, the blog is where I share my personal life experiences, life-hacks, and TONS of tips on self-care, mental health and more.

If you’d like to have this weekly content in your inbox to make it easy-peasy and save for future reference click subscribe below. I typically send an email out every Saturday that has a link to the blog, along with special promotions and subscriber only recipes, info. and more!

10 Day Cleaning Challenge

Back in the day, before I had a kid and I started my own company I didn't mind cleaning.  Now-a-days though, I'm not a big fan of cleaning - mainly because I feel like there's much...

7 Easy Swaps to a Toxic-Free Home

We're cooped up in our homes, we're worried about our health, so now is the perfect time to look around your home and start checking labels.  I know that sounds silly, but just hea...

Repurpose - Empty EO Bottles

Do you ever wonder what in the world to do with all your empty doTERRA essential oil bottles?  My mom has been using doTERRA for over three years now and she called me a few weeks ...

doTERRA Essential Oil: 7 Day Challenge

I don't sell essential oils.   I sell a healthy lifestyle.  I sell a wellness community.   I sell natural solutions. One of the things you get when you purchase your doTERRA essent...

Babies & Essential Oils

Essential oils are such a great addition to have in your natural solution tool box.  You probably know that essential oils are potent and pack a powerful punch, even with adults.  ...

Pregnancy & Essential Oils

I thought with February, aka love month, being last month it might be a good time to start prepping you for using essential oils during pregnancy.  Tee-hee!  And if you're like me,...

February Diffuser Blends

What's up with diffusing? Why would you want to diffuse over setting the mood with some candles? I'm going to break it down in the most simplistic way, bullet points! Essent...

All You Need is Love & Oils!

I'm not saying that you can't have one without the other, but having love AND oils in your life at the same time is a HUGE bonus! There's lots of science and research out there tha...

Cedarwood Uses & Benefits

Did you know that many people use Cedar oil for skin due to its purifying abilities? You can easily incorporate Cedarwood oil into your daily facial routine by simply adding one to...

Date Night Essentials

Essential oils are so versatile - from helping with our immunity and digestive system to mental and emotional support.  Let's not forget that they are 50 to 70 times more potent th...

10+ Uses for Bergamot

This Valentine’s day, add a light floral note to your home by diffusing dōTERRA Bergamot essential oil.  While other citrus oils are stimulating and invigorating, Bergamot is uniqu...

Essential Valentine's DIY Gifts

Nothing says love (or friendship) like a homemade Valentine's Day gift.  Whether you want a cute DIY project for a school Valentine or a crafty gift for friends, co-workers and lov...

Many Shades of Wild Orange - Uses

There are so many way to use doTERRA's delicious Wild Orange essential oil!  It's one of doTERRA's most popular oils for a variety of reasons, but one of the main is because it's w...

Oregano Essential Oil Uses

Often times when we think of oregano our mouths start salivating as we think of that last yummy Italian dish we had.  I mean after all, it is known as a common ingredient in Italia...

Essential Oils Around the Kitchen

Using essential oils around the kitchen is highly encouraged - not just for toxin-free cleaning options, but cooking and drinking too.  You probably already know this, but just as ...

Ginger Essential Oil

Newly sourced from Madagascar, doTERRA Ginger essential oil is derived from the fresh rhizome of the ginger plant—the subterranean stalk of a plant that shoots out the root system....

Essential Oil Guide for HIM

Guys need essential oil love too!  Am I right?  Click on the picture below and you’ll be transported into an essential oil presentation with recipes for dudes.    Recipes and produ...

How to Use Lemongrass

Have you ever tried Lemongrass essential oil? While some think this is an obscure oil, Lemongrass has dozens of benefits and can be used for things like skin, mood, and digestion. ...

Ditch those Candles! Holiday Diffuser Blends

Okay look, I'll be the first to admit that I used to absolutely loved candles.  I had a friend who sold Party Lite and those suckers were my favorite, I had enough to stock a small...

Peppermint Essential Oil

Need to stay alert? Try Peppermint essential oil! If you or someone you know has trouble staying awake during the day and would like a natural method to feel alert, Peppermint oil ...

Coming Soon!

I'm so excited to share that my new self-care
mobile app is in development.


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