
The blog is a good spot to get tips, tricks and tools to help you live a natural solutions lifestyle. I’ve got educational posts to help you learn more about doTERRA essential oils - how to use them, what they’re good for, DIY projects and lots of recipes too. Plus, the blog is where I share my personal life experiences, life-hacks, and TONS of tips on self-care, mental health and more.

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Emotional Health pt.1

Emotions have a profound impact on our overall health and well-being. Affecting our mental health, physical health, relationships, coping strategies, behavior choices, and even our...

Illuminating the Path to Inner Well-Being

In our fast-paced and demanding world, it's easy to overlook the most important aspect of our lives: our own well-being. We often find ourselves caught up in the demands of work, r...

Self-Care Techniques for Mental Health

As you may have seen plastered all over social media, May is Mental health awareness month. Since our mental health is a critical part of our emotional and mental wellbeing that ca...

The Power of Mindful Self-Care

Self-care has become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason. It’s a powerful tool for managing stress, increasing resilience, and cultivating a sense of well-bei...

Journaling for Self-Care

Self-care is an important part of maintaining emotional and mental wellbeing. One way to practice self-care is through journaling. There are several different types of journaling y...

How to Beat Feeling Overwhelmed

I know you’ve felt overwhelmed at some point or another. Perhaps even more than you care to admit!?! My friend, you're not alone! It's easy to feel overwhelmed when life throws too...

Mental Health

There are a plethora of factors that affect our mental health. Some of those affect us in the moment, other events last for days, while the most severe [and sometimes even unknown]...

Self-Love Tips

You make think “if you have it, you have it.” I suppose that can be true to a certain degree, but I’m of the mindset that you can always learn skills that can help you in any aspec...


I’m not the biggest fan of the term resolutions as it relates to making a plan for the new year. I feel like resolutions are too limiting for our brains. We resolve to go to the gy...

Biohacking Mindset

The last couple weeks we’ve been talking about biohacking – those small adjustments in lifestyle changes that can utilize science and technology to support your goals and, over tim...

Essential Oils for Stress

We’ve learned over the past few weeks that our stress levels and hormones go hand-in-hand in how we feel. So, as we round out our conversation about hormones let’s dive into some n...

Understanding Emotions & Oils

Our emotional responses to situations provoke physical indicators that can trigger us even further. There are 8 root emotions that we'll focus on today: Anger, Fear, Guilt, Stress,...

Controlling Self-Talk

No one starts there day hoping it will be cruddy and wanting things to go wrong. But all to often we allow external circumstances (ex: traffic, work, something someone said) dictat...

Manifesting with Emotion

Ironically or maybe not (tee-hee) I wrote about The Science of Manifesting almost a year ago. For frame of reference even though this is being posted on Saturday, February 26, 2022...

Emotional Intimacy & Oils

Emotional intimacy refers to the security, trust, love, and connection you feel with your partner in a committed relationship. It is very important, as the lack of emotional intima...

Wellness Made Simple pt.3

This week is near and dear to my heart, we're talking all about RESTING & MANAGING STRESS in Part 3 of a 5-part series on living a natural solutions lifestyle - with the goal bei...

New Year Planning Tips

What another whack-a-doo year 2021 has been, in spite of all the drama we made it! HAPPY NEW YEAR! Some of us a bit more scuffed than others, but we are here nonetheless. I could...

Let Gratitude Be Your Guide

Research has shown that people with a grateful heart and mindset are happier people in general. Gratitude helps us to focus on and take the positive emotions through our experience...

24 Ways to Practice Gratitude

I think you've probably heard it before, maybe even from me, that people who practice gratitude on a consistant basis tend to not only be happier in their day-to-day lives but also...

The Science of Manifesting

You may have done this exercise before but indulge me.  I want you to look around your room and look for anything red, okay, now close your eyes and I want you to think of all the ...

Coming Soon!

I'm so excited to share that my new self-care
mobile app is in development.


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