
The blog is a good spot to get tips, tricks and tools to help you live a natural solutions lifestyle. I’ve got educational posts to help you learn more about doTERRA essential oils - how to use them, what they’re good for, DIY projects and lots of recipes too. Plus, the blog is where I share my personal life experiences, life-hacks, and TONS of tips on self-care, mental health and more.

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Cleaning Naturally

There are 84,000 different chemicals in our household items – this includes personal care and cleaning products. Of those, only 200 have been tested by the FDA. Of those 200 items ...

Reduce Your Toxic Load

You may have heard this term before and just know because it contains the word toxic that it isn’t good, right? However, you may not really understand what people are talking about...

Our Homes Hidden Toxins

According to the EPA, our indoor environment is two to five times more toxic than our outdoor environment and, on average, Americans are spending about 90 percent of their lives in...

Respiratory Wellness Program

According to the World Health Organization the top 5 respiratory diseases are: COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), asthma, acute lower respiratory tract infections, TB (t...

Sleep Wellness Program

According to the American Sleep Association 50-70 million adults in the USA have a sleep disorder. That means sleep deprivation is alive and thriving in our world. In fact, nearly ...

Support Body Systems with Oils pt.2

Last week we started talking about our eleven body systems and dove into the Cardiovascular, Digestive, Endocrine, Integumentary, Lymphatic and Muscular Systems. Here's a review of...

Support Body Systems with Oils pt.1

Whether you question how or why essential oils work or not, if you’re using them with any regularity, I’m sure you enjoy the aroma and know they can help with our mood and stress l...

Live Naturally

Living a natural solutions lifestyle doesn't have to be complicated or expensive. I'd like to take you on a journey through the various parts of your life to show you just how easy...

Love Languages

It dawned on me that I haven’t talked at all about love this month. So, as we wind down February – our month of love, I wanted to leave you with some thoughts on love languages.   ...

Aromatherapy Benefits

Let’s chat for a second about the history of aromatherapy.  Essential oil usage dates back to Babylonian times. They were used in ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, China and India for r...

Organ Body Clock

You wake up, still groggy, half open your eyes and see it’s still dark out, you glance at the clock and of course it’s _______ fill in the blank with the time that you always seem ...

Circadian Rhythm & Sleep

You may have heard of circadian rhythm, but you probably haven’t given it a ton of thought as it pertains to your personal sleep patterns and habits. And just in case you don’t kno...

10 Day Water Challenge

I think most of us know and understand that water is good for us and that we’re supposed to drink a lot of water every day. You’ve probably even heard that the human body is mostly...

5 Minute Healthy Habits

Building everyday healthy habits in 5 minutes or less doesn't have to be a challenge. I'm going to focus on three essential oils that individually and combined can help you build 5...

Keeping It Simple In The Kitchen

I enjoy cooking, but the hardest part about making dinner or any other meal for that matter is deciding what to make. I think we get stuck in a routine of making the same things ov...

30-day Cleanse

Have you heard of something referred to as "toxic load?" In case you haven't or just to clarify what I mean by it; toxic load is the numerous substances that accumulate within our ...

Guide to New Year Healthy Habits

First things first...HAPPY NEW YEAR! I've said all along, I don't want 2020 to end if the drama is going to continue in 2021. I realize that we have no control over the worldly dra...

Boost Your Health with Gratitude

I honestly think we over complicate our lives and our thoughts.  It’s natural for us to look at the negatives in a situation - to be victimized.  I understand how it can feel daunt...

Sleep Better Protocol

I read a survey from 2016 that reported close to 30% of American adults out of 4,000 have problems sleeping. My own little personal poll of 100 people is indicating that number is ...

Tips to Overcome the Monday Blues

Do you ever experience the Monday Blues (also known as Mondayitis or 9-5 Blues)?  Perhaps you’ve been experiencing the “Blues” all of 2020!?   And if you have no one can blame you!...

Coming Soon!

I'm so excited to share that my new self-care
mobile app is in development.


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